Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Goblin City (Set-Up)

Once the catacombs are cleared, report back to Legaire. Legaire, now busy with overseeing the repairs, rewards the party with 500 experience and 500 crowns (Hook 2 & 3 quests complete). He directs Nerisatris to show the party to their newly-refurbished quarters in the old abbey. Each character, both PC and NPC, gets their own monk's cubicle; in each cubicle is a straw pallet for sleeping and a sturdy chest with a lock for keeping their belongings. Neris also shows the players where they can store their large items in a secure vault (actually the closet where sacraments were kept.)

A merchant has also arrived, with a fresh compliment of guards to relieve the original four. (Hook 1: players send their report back with the departing guards, who will deliver it for 20 GP). Neris volunteers to stay on. Once the characters are settled, they are summoned to Legaire.


Legaire has set up an office in one of the scribes' offices off the entrance. He sits at a large wooden desk, looking over work orders and invoices. Without even looking up from his papers, he tells our travelers that the main town, right out the front doors of the church, have been overrun by goblins. The players are to reconnoiter the town, assess the goblin threat, and eliminate as many as possible. Again, they will have first right of plunder, but the rest will go to the  treasury. He then tells them to report to Trafire for further instructions.

Trafire states that, to aid the players in their endeavors, he will cast an illusion on them to make them appear as goblins (any characters too tall to be so disguised will have improved invisibility cast upon them). He warns them, though, that the spells will only last eight hours or so, so they will need to return each day to have their costumes reapplied. Thus, cleverly disguised, the characters sneak out the front door. (Refer to Map B, Gordonton)

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